Hi! I’m Marion.

When I conceived my first baby 12 years ago I knew that the way we (as a culture) bring babies into the world in a way that doesn’t center their biological needs (or ours as parents). I knew that we are all struggling with deep, primal attachment wounds and that there must be a way to do this parenting gig better.

At that time I barely knew anyone who was parenting against the norm. So I began learning how I could create a birth experience that would set me up for a strong bond between me and my baby. I found myself hiding out in online groups learning about unassisted birth (now called “freebirth”). I realized that if I was going to have a beautiful birth experience I was ultimately going to have to take FULL responsibility for it - and then and only then I could decide who I wanted to be there by my side. I learned so much during that pregnancy and went on to freebirth my first baby which I believe gave me a powerful initiation from Maiden to Mother. It set a foundation for me to enter into motherhood with a fierce inner compass and confidence.

I navigated societal disapproval, family interrogation, facing my fears, and ultimately finding a village who could support me in my choices. Since then I’ve freebirthed two more babies. And since then I’ve witnessed way too many families experience significant attachment wounding and trauma + compromising on their values : simply because they don’t have the information or support system to choose differently.

This is why I’m offering myself to this work. I promise to bring you a powerful transmission in each of our sessions that will not only change your life, but ripple out into our culture and change our world.