Hi! I’m Marion.

I offer intimate group containers for future parents (not just mamas) where I teach 12 years of the embodied wisdom that inspired me towards freebirthing all 3 of my babies, going diaper free, having nourishing postpartums, and more.

My teachings fall under the umbrella of creating secure attachment bonds because I’ve witnessed and experienced the impact of a culture that doesn’t center babies and parents’ biological needs - or even know what they are.

In my offerings my hope is to not only share all I’ve learned, but to resource you with a community of humans who are on the same path.

I promise to bring you a powerful transmission in each of our sessions that will not only impact your life, but ripple out into our culture and change the future of parenting.

When a man becomes a father (at conception) he begins a transformation process - a rite of passage - from being a son of the earth to a father of the earth.

FATHERING THE FUTURE was a LIVE online 3.5 hour deep dive into the journey of a father from a biological understanding of what babies need to form secure attachment.

We discussed : taking a new level of responsibility for our wellbeing, how protection and provision have changed in recent generations, physiological birth and imprinting (and the important role of the father in birth), the lifestyle shifts that accompany this new chapter, and leaning into mutual sacrifice with the mother.

MAIDEN TO MOTHER was a LIVE online 3 hour deep dive into the journey from Maidenhood to Motherhood from a biological understanding of what babies need to form secure attachment (and what Mamas need in order to give our bodies to the cause).

We discussed : taking responsibility for our wellbeing, becoming our child’s first advocate, physiological birth and imprinting, the lifestyle shifts that accompany this new chapter, Mama Lioness boundaries, and the generosity of our bodies.

✺ Questions you may have ✺

  • Yes! I’m so stoked to have couples learning this information together.

  • Yes! You do not need to be present each week, but if you want to bre able to engage with the group and ask questions you’ll want to be there. However, you’ll still gain a ton from the recordings. Each week’s recording will be sent by Friday.

  • Mothers(andFathers)to-be who feel called to a more radical & natural way of parenting and want to prepare

    Mothers/parents who have babies/kids and want to do it differently the next go round because they have regrets on how things went

  • Yes! Now is the best time to learn this information (before all the hormones!)

What My Students Are Saying

“I was lucky enough to be a part of Marion's 13-week container during my pregnancy with my first child. Marion did a beautiful job creating a cohort of individuals in a loving, private, intimate, and spacious container. People in the group were all at different points in their parenthood journey-- someone in their first, second, and third trimesters, someone who was already a parent, some folks who were gaining skills before consciously conceiving. Each week was intentionally cultivated to cover topics that offered something for everyone, no matter where they were at that point in time on their journey. Marion taught with true embodied wisdom, paired with humility and open-heartedness that I deeply admire and respect. 

I entered this course with very little knowledge about pregnancy and motherhood, and left with practical skills on topics like elimination communication, attachment parenting, breastfeeding, and birth itself. Additionally and maybe even more importantly, Marion helped foster in me the courage to trust my own intuition as a mother, and to allow my inner knowing to be my guide above all else. Marion and her course have been a guiding light in my pregnancy and I would whole-heartedly recommend her offerings, both as a personal coach and in her group class containers. I am also so grateful for the group I completed this course with, as I've created friendships and have remained in touch with the group after the class officially ended. We've been able to reach out to each other for support and encouragement, which has been so meaningful. All of this was only possible because of Marion, and I am so grateful!”

— Megs

“I joined this course because I am inspired by the way that Marion shows up in our community as a mother, and when the opportunity arose to learn from her, it was a big YES! Being a part of the container that Marion has been facilitating was such a sweet experience. She held a safe space for mothers and fathers to be to come together, learn, and grow. She shared personal experiences from her motherhood journey- pregnancies, post partum, parenthood. A wellspring of knowledge and heart centered guidance here, friends. Truly an honor to be a part of such a special group. I can totally see myself joining again when it comes my time to go on a pregnancy journey- as I witnessed so many beautiful women and their partners supporting each other in this process, here in this space. What a gift.”

— Bianca

“If you are planning to parent, l pray that you run to receive the wisdom and guidance that is waiting for you in these classes.

Marion Hearth is an incredible teacher and mother. When I hear her speak, my whole body lights up with truth that is known in my bones. Truth about mothering and raising children that seems so obvious...but truth that has been stripped from our culture, flipped on it's head and sold to us in the form of detachment and consumerism.

Conception, pregnancy, birth, and parenting is ancient and and intuitive. Yet we have been conditioned to quiet our primal instincts, our inner knowing, we have been conditioned to hand over our innate ancestral wisdom in order to trust the "experts."

Marion helps clear the water in an age where there are thousands of voices telling us what to do, she guides us back to the intuition that is coded into our dna.

What an honor to learn from such a clear and grounded voice.”

— Taylor

“Marion’s Roots Of Attachment course was such a helpful initiation for us as we prepared for our baby. We conceived our little one during the 13 week course and have been so grateful already for the support from our cohort. I highly recommend anything & everything Marion offers.”

— Saro

“Ever since I met Marion, it was like big-time “MOM GOALS!” Even from the vantage point of an acquaintance within a broader community, it was so clear to me that she embodies heart-centered, empowered, presenced, and beautiful mothering that I so deeply aspire to. 

When I heard that she was offering a course to share all of her embodied wisdom regarding pregnancy, birth, post-partum, and attachment parenting it was a big YES for us. I so deeply appreciated that Marion welcomed my partner’s presence and involvement in the course as well. We learned so much together, and left feeling so much more prepared as a couple.

Not only did Marion share from her incredible, raw, real personal experiences [3 free births y’all!], she also invited fantastic guest teachers, and created a super special container for us to connect and learn from each other. I left this course much more knowledgeable, and more importantly, feeling so empowered and supported. I cannot recommend learning from Marion enough. We are eternally grateful for the deep blessing that this course has been for our family.”

— Sarah

The next Roots of Attachment group will begin in Spring 2025.

We’ll meet LIVE on Zoom on Wednesdays from 1-3pm EST for 13 weeks (and each class will be recorded).

The course is an investment of $1,300 and there are limited spots available in order to keep the group intimate. If you are in need of a scholarship or payment plan please email me through the contact page.